What sparked my interest about Continuity Master Academy by Jeff Baxter is it uniqueness. This course is supposed to be about product creation, membership site creation and general affiliate.
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That is an interesting combination considering that you either pick any of them or do them in steps. For example if you're just starting out and don't have to create products or membership sites. You can just promote other people's products and build upon that. Then continue doing that and move to creating your own.
One of the most important things in Internet Marketing is movement and momentum. It is good to experiment and try out different things, when and if time permits to do so. I know many people, myself included, often gets stuck with something that they are familiar with and just run with it.
However, that doesn't mean you should try everything out there and hope something works. In fact, best way to do it is slowly expand and move into bigger things over time.
With that said if you're ready to start creating your own membership sites and product than Jeff Baxter is the guy to learn from.
Inside The Continuity Master Academy and Bonus
The product is launching soon and I'll have a lot more information once I get inside but so far it looks like these.
Section 1: Quick Start Continuity
This is where you want to start if you're not ready or simply don't want to start creating your own products or sites.
The software include will get you started in as little as 20 minutes and then all you have to do is drive traffic.
Section 2: Membership Site Creation
This is where you'll be able to take a new membership site and get 1,000 of paying subscribers fast. Learn and see how Jeff Baxter and his students have been doing just that over and over again.
That is all I know for now. Once Continuity Master Academy is released I'll write more.